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"Purpose to Profits" Blog

Actionable inspiration, expert interviews, and behind-the-scenes consulting and coaching secrets and best practices...all tied together by my mission to empower you to 
Turn Your Purpose as a Consultant or Coach into Profitable Reality!


Welcome to the "Enough Already" Blog

Actionable inspiration, expert interview and behind-the-scenes consulting and coaching secrets and best practices...all tied together by my mission to empower you to
Get Seen and Paid What You're Worth

How to Uncover the Root Cause of Poor Performance

The most common go-to solution for any performance gap is to throw training at it. The truth is, while training is often necessary, it is NEVER sufficient. To move the needle on performance, you have to isolate the root cause to what is getting in the way.

These questions are designed to help you g...

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5 Essential Competencies for Executive Leadership

It’s a common career trajectory: An employee becomes a front-line supervisor, then a manager, then a leader of leaders and then eventually an executive over a department or an even broader entity.  From that perspective, leadership is leadership and executives merely have a larger scope and span of ...

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20 Questions to Help You Uncover Your Client's TRUE Culture and Politics

To win business and deliver results - all consultants MUST cultivate their political savvy. While we may think that executives hire consultants for economic reasons - the reality is that more often that not, we're brought in for political reasons. 

Politics is not necessarily a bad thing. Politics ...

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How Much Should I Charge for my Consulting Services?

One of the most important questions both new and seasoned consultants MUST answer is: "How much should I charge for my consulting services?"

What your charge and your pricing philosophy determines both your earning potential AND your labor intensity. It's where the rubber hits the road on your even...

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Power Networking for Consultants

I am confident that you get how important networking is to your marketing system. You know that its an essential way for you to regularly meet and impress your future clients.

The question is: Are you making the most of these events?

Are you making the most of the events that you invest time and m...

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7 Ways Your Website Can Transform Your Life

Congratulations! You have taken an important first step towards professional success. Having a world-class website that serves as the center of gravity for your marketing efforts is essential.  I am certain that you are expecting a number of results in return for your investment. You want to attract...

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Betsy Jordyn International
#4: 5 Reasons Your Client Hates Change (And Why You Do Too!)
#4: 5 Reasons Your Client Hates Change (And Why You Do Too!)

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Change is hard.

Anyone who tells you otherwise is probably selling you something or in denial.

And the facts are - it really is getting harder.

My evidence - when I first started consulting, it was no problem to get a senior team together for 3 days to plan for strate...

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Betsy Jordyn International
#5: What Everybody Ought to Know About The 3 Types of Organizational Change
#5: What Everybody Ought to Know About The 3 Types of Organizational Change

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When it comes to consulting to change, your first task it to identify what kind of change your client is embarking on. There are actually three types of change, requiring different types of change leadership and consulting support. To ensure that your client's change do...

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Betsy Jordyn International
#6: What Everybody Ought to Know About the 4 Types of Change Agents
#6: What Everybody Ought to Know About the 4 Types of Change Agents

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Change isn't optional but growth is. This is where change agents fit in. They are the ones who ensure that when the marketplace fluctuates and the organization gets larger, the company matures and gets better along the way. 

Change agents are those who formally or infor...

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Betsy Jordyn International
#7: How to Lead Change without Authority
#7: How to Lead Change without Authority

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One of the biggest transitions consultants go through is figuring out how to help their clients with massive change projects without positional authority. They may see what needs to be done but they don't have the ability to simply direct others towards achieving those o...

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Betsy Jordyn International
#8: 5 Reasons Why EVERY Consultant Needs Systems Thinking
#8: 5 Reasons Why EVERY Consultant Needs Systems Thinking

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I have two children. When they were small, they used to go to daycare. What this meant in practicality to me was: two kids + daycare = many fevers and visits to the doctor’s office. As the parent, I was able to detect and even treat the fever. However, in order to get ri...

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Betsy Jordyn International
#9: 5 Reasons To Love Corporate Politics
#9: 5 Reasons To Love Corporate Politics

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I'll never forget the moment when I first fell in love with corporate politics. I was asked to lead a massive initiative at Disney to help the operations executives redefine the guest/cast and cast/leader experience. This group of talented (and sometimes competitive) sen...

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