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Welcome to the
"Purpose to Profits"Ā Blog

Actionable inspiration, expert interviews, and behind-the-scenes consulting and coaching secrets and best practices...all tied together by my mission to empower you toĀ 
Turn Your Purpose as a Consultant or Coach into Profitable Reality!


Welcome to the "Enough Already" Blog

Actionable inspiration, expert interview and behind-the-scenes consulting and coaching secrets and best practices...all tied together by my mission to empower you to
Get Seen and Paid What You're Worth

The Hidden Costs of Under-Investing in your Business Development

As a mentor who helps people turn their life work into their own businesses, I meet a lot of highly trained and experienced professionals with both vision...and fear.

Their vision is that they want to take control over their career and use their time and talents towards building their own bottom...

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7 Questions to Validate that Consulting/Coaching Business Ownership is Right for You

Want rock-solid confidence that starting or growing your own consulting or coaching business is right for you? Use these questions to help you get it.

1. What is telling you that you want to grow your own consulting or coaching business?

Which of the following reflects your answer:

  • I have always...
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How to Become a Trusted and Influential Executive Advisor

Are You Ready to Take Your Place as an Advisor to the C-Suite?

Consultants and coaches, here’s a truth bomb: If you’re not positioning yourself as an executive advisor, you’re leaving massive opportunities on the table.

And chances are - you know this.

  • You’ve probably...
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How I Ditched the Fear of Being Seen and Launched my REAL Business

I’ll never forget the moment the Disney team turned around the performance of the Animal Kingdom theme park. This beautiful park opened in 1999, full of compelling backstories and adventure. However, it wasn’t resonating with the Disney guests as expected.

The breakthrough solution to...

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How to Transcend the Fear of Building a Purpose-Driven Career

Got big dreams for your career and business?

Chances are - you also got big fears.

Part of you is SO EXCITED about the vision! It can see the potential and cannot wait to make it real!

And another part of you is completely overwhelmed and terrified by the same idea.

Part of you is saying, ...

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How to turn a 30+ Leadership Career into a Consulting Business with Dave Saliaris

Dave Saliaris was a sales and customer service executive with over 30 years of experience who found himself at a career crossroads when his company was bought out by an equity firm.

He felt blindsided by many of the changes and decided it was time for him to control his own path.

But he...

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How Prophetable is Your Consulting?

There's two types of consultants. The ones who are drawn to the profession because of the potential for making great money and  the prestige that comes from working with the executives.

Then there's the ones who are in it for so much more than money. They also want to make a real difference...

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Betsy Jordyn International
#7: How to Lead Change without Authority
#7: How to Lead Change without Authority

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One of the biggest transitions consultants go through is figuring out how to help their clients with massive change projects without positional authority. They may see what needs to be done but they don't have the ability to simply direct others towards achieving...

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Cultivating a Mindset of Imperfection Action: Interview with Consulting Success Founder Michael Zipursky
Interview Transcript:

Betsy Jordyn:     Well hello there everybody it's Betsy Jordyn of the Consultants Institute, and I am so excited to finally be interviewing Michael Zipursky of Consulting Success.  So Michael and I met how many years ago was it, Michael?   ...

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Why Your Client Doesn't Care How Smart You Are (And What They Really Want to Know)

The number one way that really smart consultants get in the way of their own success is struggling with the fear that that they don't have what it takes.

Despite years of education and experience they stay up at night wondering what is the best way to let their future clients know about how...

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Gotta Have More Cowbell and the Power of Commitment

One of the most hilarious Saturday Night Live skits is the one where Christopher Walken demands from the “Don’t Fear the Reaper” band (Blue Oyster Cult) that he needed more cowbell from Will Ferrell. I was watching this skit the other day with a good friend of mine who is an...

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Betsy Jordyn International
#3: How to Overcome Your Client's #1 Fear About Change
#3: How to Overcome Your Client's #1 Fear About Change

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One of the most challenging experiences you'll ever encounter as a consultant is dealing with your client's resistance to change.

We get blindsided by this all-to-common reality because we are only working with our clients because they at some point expressed a desire...

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