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#3: How to Overcome Your Client's #1 Fear About Change

heart & mindset mastery organizational consulting & executive advising Nov 20, 2017
Betsy Jordyn International
#3: How to Overcome Your Client's #1 Fear About Change

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One of the most challenging experiences you'll ever encounter as a consultant is dealing with your client's resistance to change.

We get blindsided by this all-to-common reality because we are only working with our clients because they at some point expressed a desire to change.

But when reality hits - they act like it was OUR idea.

Let me explain what is happening inside your client and why they are all of the sudden backpedaling on their commitment. 

They think that if they change and mature, they are going to become something that they don't want to be, which in most cases some mythical image of a large bureaucratic company that has lost its ability to have fun and be creative. It's not unlike a teenager thinking that if they take on more responsibility and grow in their maturity they are going to be their joy-killing, stodgy parents.

In my latest episode from my podcast series Consulting Matters: Mastering the Art & Science of the Business I will share with you:

  • What change is REALLY about (and I promise you, it's not what your client thinks)
  • How to turn this insight into key messages to help your clients overcome their fear

Where you might get stuck:

Not having a consulting process that helps you sidestep and overcome client resistance.

Next step:

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