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"Purpose to Profits" Blog

Actionable inspiration, expert interviews, and behind-the-scenes consulting and coaching secrets and best practices...all tied together by my mission to empower you to 
Turn Your Purpose as a Consultant or Coach into Profitable Reality!


Welcome to the "Enough Already" Blog

Actionable inspiration, expert interview and behind-the-scenes consulting and coaching secrets and best practices...all tied together by my mission to empower you to
Get Seen and Paid What You're Worth

Need Clients Now? 5 Strategies to Quickly Get More Consulting Clients

If you want to achieve sustainable success as a consultant - ideally you want to create a marketing system to ensure you have a consistently full pipeline of right-fit clients.

However, there will be times when you have to feel the cash flow pressure and need to find clients...right now!


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How Much Should I Charge for my Consulting Services?

One of the most important questions both new and seasoned consultants MUST answer is: "How much should I charge for my consulting services?"

What your charge and your pricing philosophy determines both your earning potential AND your labor intensity. It's where the rubber hits the road on...

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Power Networking for Consultants

I am confident that you get how important networking is to your marketing system. You know that its an essential way for you to regularly meet and impress your future clients.

The question is: Are you making the most of these events?

Are you making the most of the events that you invest time and...

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Betsy Jordyn International
#12: Who Else Wants To Make Marketing Effortless and Fun?
#12: Who Else Wants To Make Marketing Effortless and Fun?

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Here's a common conundrum. 

Smart and values-driven consultants typically don't like marketing. Yet they hate being the world's best kept secret.

Same goes for internal consultants. Just because you have an official role in the organization to support leaders...

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Betsy Jordyn International
#14: 7 Steps to Establishing Credibility With Your Next High-Paying Client
#14: 7 Steps to Establishing Credibility With Your Next High-Paying Client

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Do you the one meeting that will literally change your client's life and define your entire client engagement and earning potential?

It's the meeting that some might call a Discovery Meeting, Free Consult or Complimentary Strategy Session. Regardless of how you...

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Betsy Jordyn International
#15: 5 Ways To Pivot Your Client From Solution Wants to Business Performance Needs
#15: 5 Ways To Pivot Your Client From Solution Wants to Business Performance Needs

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When it comes to consulting, the client isn't always right.

More often the solution that they want isn't what they really need and what will create the results that truly matter the most to them.

It's not that they aren't smart or haven't thought through what will...

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Betsy Jordyn International
#16: Framing and Empathy (the Little Known Way to Establishing Consulting Credibility)
#16: Framing and Empathy (the Little Known Way to Establishing Consulting Credibility)

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In this week's podcast I want to share with you the one skill, literally the one skill that will transform your consulting practice and your positioning as a strategic business partner within the organization. This one skill - this is the one thing that you need to...

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Betsy Jordyn International
#17: Here is a Method That Is Helping Consultants Land More High-Paying Contracts (Without Shameless Self-Promotion)
#17: Here is a Method That Is Helping Consultants Land More High-Paying Contracts (Without Shameless Self-Promotion)

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Need to earn more money from your consulting but hate sales? I have some great news! You don't have to.

You don't have to become a shameless self-promoter or get overly aggressive with your pricing in order to increase your compensation.

All you need is to learn how to...

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Betsy Jordyn International
#18: If You Can Follow a Recipe, You Can Deliver a Six-Figure Consulting Engagement
#18: If You Can Follow a Recipe, You Can Deliver a Six-Figure Consulting Engagement

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Congratulations! Your marketing efforts have paid off and now you have a lead. And you may be wondering, "What the heck do I do with them?"

If that is the case, you will definitely want to listen to this week's podcast from the series "Consulting Matters: Mastering the...

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Betsy Jordyn International
#13 3 Steps to Landing High-Paying Contracts
#13 3 Steps to Landing High-Paying Contracts

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If you want to land contracts but hate sales and the idea of asking for higher fees makes you queasy - I got great news for you. You don't have to.

In my podcast from my series Consulting Matters: Mastering the Art & Science of the Business I am going to introduce...

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3 Steps to Landing High-Paying Contracts

I want you to land your next (or first!) six-figure contract with confidence.

Are you optimizing your earning power? Are you getting paid what you're worth?

In this video from my eCourse "Contacts to Contacts: How to Land Clients & Establish Long-Term Winning Partnerships" I let you in my...

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7 Steps to Establishing Credibility with Your Next High Paying Client

Hooray your marketing efforts have paid off! You have a meeting scheduled with someone who has expressed interest in doing work with you. In this article, I want to share you with practical tips on how to leverage this meeting towards establishing your credibility with your future...

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