#18: If You Can Follow a Recipe, You Can Deliver a Six-Figure Consulting Engagement
Aug 06, 2018
Congratulations! Your marketing efforts have paid off and now you have a lead. And you may be wondering, "What the heck do I do with them?"
If that is the case, you will definitely want to listen to this week's podcast from the series "Consulting Matters: Mastering the Art & Science of the Business."
When you tune in, you'll discover the 5 Steps of the Consulting Engagement Cycle.
Many consultants hold back on their marketing out of that unspoken fear of not exactly knowing what to do with a lead once they get one. The consulting engagement cycle is the answer. When you know what you'll do with a lead, it transforms your results in every way possible.
- Land more work
- Increase your per contract fees
- Increase the number of contracts you land per client
- Create more powerful client results
- Get more referrals from your raving fans
- AND more confidently market yourself and ask for what you're worth
Next Step
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