Year in Review: 3 Questions To Ask Yourself for Before Setting Next Year’s Goals (Ep17)
Do you want to set goals for 2022 that stick?
Entrepreneurs are not always the nicest bosses to themselves. And my theory is that we don't have personal performance standards that are explicit, clear, or what we buy into.
And without those standards, we compare ourselves to others and forget that a big driver for wanting to leave our jobs and start our businesses was to create greater success on our terms.
This episode offers three questions you need to set performance standards that match your total life priorities, work satisfaction, and financial goals.
In this episode you'll hear:
- Three questions you need to answer to get the right standards to evaluate this year's performance and set goals for next year
- Why your measure of success is unique to your goals and the life you want to create
- Why operating in your zone of genius influences your entire business and, ultimately, your life
- How going it alone wastes time, energy, and dollars (learn from my mistakes)
- Why and how you should shift pricing to match your worth
Where to dive in:
[2:42] Are you comparing yourself to others? Are you wondering if you're doing a good job? Then, tune in for what you need to remember.
[4:17] Are you crafting the life you want? Hear the first performance review question you need to answer to make 2022 better than 2021.
[9:01] What are your best-at strengths? Have you prioritized your strengths in your business goals? Hear the second performance standard you need to evaluate yourself against in 2022.
[12:23] Did you meet your financial goals in 2021? I want you to dig deeper into this number for 2022. Hear why past financial goals might not be right in 2022.
Next steps
- Be clear about your priorities in terms of lifestyle, work/life satisfaction, and finances. Write them down. Refer to them and use them as decision-making filters.
- Do your year-end review against your standards, no one else's. And be a good boss, okay? Treat yourself like Maya Angelou wants you to do – when you know better, you'll do better.
- Set goals for next year that put you in the most empowered position. Don't let fear or vanity metrics drive you. Use sober judgment.
- If you need help – let's talk. Book a call with me at, and let's chat about how I can help you clarify and create greater success on your terms.
If you enjoyed this episode and have a colleague who might get the value out of it, please share it with them. Until next time, thanks for listening.
About Me: The Enough Already podcast is hosted by Betsy Jordyn. I'm a Brand Positioning Strategist that helps consulting and coaching business owners clarify their brand positioning and messaging, create a website presence that position them as sought-after experts, land clients with ease and integrity and take their place as thought leaders and influencers in their niche. My mission is to help consultants and coaches monetize their best-at strengths and authentic passions to make a bigger difference in the world. Check out my brand strategy, messaging and design services at
Download my free guide on how to clarify and own your unique position in the crowded consulting and coaching market:
Learn more about my Brand Positioning and Messaging strategy services:
Schedule a consult call to talk about what you need to do to get seen and paid as the expert you already are:
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