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"Purpose to Profits" Blog

Actionable inspiration, expert interviews, and behind-the-scenes consulting and coaching secrets and best practices...all tied together by my mission to empower you to 
Turn Your Purpose as a Consultant or Coach into Profitable Reality!


Welcome to the "Enough Already" Blog

Actionable inspiration, expert interview and behind-the-scenes consulting and coaching secrets and best practices...all tied together by my mission to empower you to
Get Seen and Paid What You're Worth

Why Conduct a Current State Review before Redesigning an Organization?

Imagine this scene. There is an operating room with patient prepped for surgery and lying on the table. The anesthesia has taken effect and the surgeons and the rest of the medical team are positioned for the big event. The surgeon utters the words which we all know from medical TV dramas signals...

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10 Questions to Ask in a Current State Review

Ready to transform your consulting or coaching practice with an effective current state review?

If you’re looking to make a bigger difference with your consulting and coaching and offer solutions that are strategic and transformational, you know that mastering the art of a current state...

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Betsy Jordyn International
#1: Have Trouble Connecting with High-Level Buyers? Here's What To Do.
#1: Have Trouble Connecting with High-Level Buyers? Here's What To Do.

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Whether you are new to consulting or have been consulting for a while SURELY you have considered the possibility of landing work with the larger companies.

Perhaps this question has been top of mind for a while. You've probably wondered:

"How would I meet those larger...

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How to Diagnose Performance Challenges

Here's the thing: If you are a consultant (internal or external) at some point you'll be asked to design and deliver a training experience. 

It's not that there's anything wrong with training because sometimes lack of knowledge and skills is the root cause to performance challenges. And when...

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How to Extend the Value of Your Next Leadership Training Contract

If you have been consulting for a while, more than likely you have been asked to design and deliver a leadership training program. If your proposal only included options around the training experience, you are leaving a great deal of value on the table for you...and your client.

When it...

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Why You (And Your Client) Needs Your Organizational Assessment

If you have a new consulting client, it is likely that they are antsy. If they have gone to the trouble to find and hire you, then they are more than ready for you to start solving their challenges. However, as tempting as it is, it is in YOUR best interest and more...

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Client Have Strategy Problems? Here's How to Help Them.

When your clients start complaining the right and left hands don't know that they are doing and they can't prioritize or focus - they are likely to have a strategy problem.

But the question is what kind?

Strategy is more than a game plan for winning. It ultimately is lived out in the tough daily...

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The Influence of Organizational Structure on Your Client's Success

Like an architect’s blueprint, an organization design determines the nature and flow of work, as well as the ways in which employees interact with one another. When an organization design is working well, it creates alignment throughout the broader organization, facilitates effective...

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Indicators That Your Clients Need Organization Redesign

An effective organization design is a lot more than what you might find on an org chart. It is the way in which an organization coordinates activities towards product and service quality and delivery effectiveness and efficiency. 


  • Aligns...
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What Steps Are Involved In An Organization (Re) Design

Wondering what are the steps involved in an organization redesign? Let me demystify this complex, high-value consulting solution. 

There are four phases of a redesign: determining design direction, developing the design, planning the implementation, and implementing and evaluating.

As you...

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What Are Silos (And Why Bust Them)

When I first joined Walt Disney World as an internal Organizational Development Consultant, I was assigned to Disney's Animal Kingdom. The park had just opened and while there were many things that were going well, one of their biggest challenges was to unravel some of the missteps that took...

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Systems Thinking for Consultants

I have two children. When they were small, they used to go to daycare. What this meant in practicality to me was: two kids + daycare = many fevers and visits to the doctor’s office. As the parent, I was able detect and even treat the fever. However, in order to get rid of the fever, I had...

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