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"Purpose to Profits"Ā Blog

Actionable inspiration, expert interviews, and behind-the-scenes consulting and coaching secrets and best practices...all tied together by my mission to empower you toĀ 
Turn Your Purpose as a Consultant or Coach into Profitable Reality!


Welcome to the "Enough Already" Blog

Actionable inspiration, expert interview and behind-the-scenes consulting and coaching secrets and best practices...all tied together by my mission to empower you to
Get Seen and Paid What You're Worth

Wise, Foolish or Evil: Who Are You Consulting To?

"But what a fool believes he sees
No wise man has the power to reason away"  (Kenny Loggins/Michael McDonald)

Not everyone you consult to is the same and therefore you cannot use the same strategies to support their resistance to change.

According to author, psychologist and business advisor,...

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Face the Five Fears of Working for Yourself

Working for yourself is scary. Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying!

The only way to conquer the normal fears that come along with entrepreneurship is to understand them and face them head on. You don't overcome them, you befriend them.

There are five fears that you can expect:


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Tame Your Money Fears: How to Transform Fear into Your Ally For Growth

Every new adventure or growth opportunity sparks fear. If you travel to a new country and don't speak the language you may experience fear for your safety. If you are writing a book for the first time, you may fear what others may think of you.

When it comes to making a major career transition...

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My 5 Hard-Won Lessons from my Exciting 2017 Business Makeover

Back in 2012, I went to Nantucket for a well-deserved personal and business retreat. My consulting business was growing by leaps and bounds and I was working with clients all around the world. As I pondered what it would look like to take my business to the next level, I swear I audibly heard the...

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6 Money Myths That Are Tanking Your Results

If you have visions to start or grow your own consulting business, you have first hand experience with those annoying and debilitating money fears. Money fears are those voices in your head that sound reasonable but are actually sabotaging your future success. The money fears say things...

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Tips for Managing Resistance

It was time for my young daughters to learn how to ride a bike. My older daughter, Hannah, was clearly uncomfortable and afraid. She challenged me STRAIGHT ON. When I asked for her to get on the bike, she clearly and directly said no. She pitched a fit, engaged in a full one temper tantrum...

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5 Best Practices to Tap into Your Intellectual Property

If you struggle with transforming what your vast experiences and insight into concepts and skills that are transferable to your current and future clients, don't worry. You are not alone. 

To help you manifest your intellectual property that you can use in your content marketing and...

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4 Sneaky Myths That are Messing with Your Consulting Success Mojo (and How to Debunk Them)

I know one thing for sure about you. You have great value to offer your current and future clients. You can sense it, right? You can feel it…your track record tells you it’s true. You see so many other people out there making tons of money consulting and you think to yourself, ...

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4 Soul-Sucking Myths About Burnout (and How to Debunk Them)

It’s Sunday night and that dread is kicking in. All the responsibilities that you once were able to manage so effortlessly are starting to drain you. You feel lost wondering where all your passion went. Do you need a vacation or it is something more?

If this sounds like you, there is a good...

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Why High-Achieving Women Burn Out

At some point or another, most high-achieving women have experienced burnout. Burnout is more than stress – it is excessive stress over a period of time that creates the conditions where the results that once came so naturally are almost impossible to come by. It is that sense of dread...

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Why You Secretly Resist Work/Life Balance

How many times this week have you been asked, “How are you?” and have responded with all too familiar, “Busy!”

Whatever happened to the pat answer, “Fine?”

Our culture has become ridiculously busy and as a consequence many of us suffer from what can be referred...

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