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Welcome to the
"Purpose to Profits" Blog

Actionable inspiration, expert interviews, and behind-the-scenes consulting and coaching secrets and best practices...all tied together by my mission to empower you to 
Turn Your Purpose as a Consultant or Coach into Profitable Reality!


Welcome to the "Enough Already" Blog

Actionable inspiration, expert interview and behind-the-scenes consulting and coaching secrets and best practices...all tied together by my mission to empower you to
Get Seen and Paid What You're Worth

How to use an Online Course to Grow Your Business with Christy Ogilvie

Christy Ogilvie is a client relations expert who helps financial planners and wealth management advisors outperform the competition by creating sticky client relationships.

She hit a crisis with her Chicago-based business as all of her consulting that was conducted live dried up. She knew she...

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Sustaining Success with Trust in Yourself with Dan Weedin

Bosses, colleagues and friends all questioned the wisdom of quitting his high-paying job and steady paycheck for the unknowns of starting his own consulting business.

After over 15 years of consistent and growing success - they now understand exactly why he did it. 

Dan Weedin is an author,...

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How to Set Yourself Up to Win Against Big Box Firms with Charles Browne

Charles Browne, Master Black Belt Six Sigma Process Improvement Expert found himself as a “consultant for hire” for big box consulting firms.

What frustrated him with this experience was how he wound up missing out on opportunities because of how he was positioned. He would have...

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From Burnt Out Executive to Burnout Coach: Interview with Rachelle Stone

Rachelle Stone was an experienced meeting and events executive with 28 years in the industry until she simply imploded. She was maxed out way beyond her capacity and had no personal life and was living to work. She decided to quit and quickly hung up her shingle without really understanding what...

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Take Back Control Over Your Career with Jahaan Blake

Jahaan Blake is a former sports executive turned consultant who was ready for some freedom and control over her personal and professional life.

Some great consulting opportunities to work on the Superbowl fell into her lap, but the one thing that was missing was her identity as a business and...

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How to turn a 30+ Leadership Career into a Consulting Business with Dave Saliaris

Dave Saliaris was a sales and customer service executive with over 30 years of experience who found himself at a career crossroads when his company was bought out by an equity firm.

He felt blindsided by many of the changes and decided it was time for him to control his own path.

But he...

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Taking the Courageous Leap into Full-Time Consulting with Bill Carl Johnson

Have you ever thought to yourself, “I really want to ditch corporate and become your own boss!” but the idea shopped there?

After a long and successful career at Disney, Bill Carl Johnson finally acted on that vision and took the leap into full-time consulting business ownership.


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