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"Purpose to Profits" Blog

Actionable inspiration, expert interviews, and behind-the-scenes consulting and coaching secrets and best practices...all tied together by my mission to empower you to 
Turn Your Purpose as a Consultant or Coach into Profitable Reality!


Welcome to the "Enough Already" Blog

Actionable inspiration, expert interview and behind-the-scenes consulting and coaching secrets and best practices...all tied together by my mission to empower you to
Get Seen and Paid What You're Worth

SEO for Consultants and Coaches: How to Attract Clients Without Chasing Them

How amazing would it feel to have your dream clients sliding into your inbox, ready to work with you—no convincing needed? Imagine opening your email and finding inquiries from people who already know your value and are eager to hire you before you even get on a call. Sounds dreamy, right?...

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Want to Start Your Own Consulting or Coaching Business? How to Finally Make It Happen

If you have been wanting to start your own consulting business or coaching practice, but haven’t done it yet – what’s stopping you?

Is it a lack of clarity and confidence on how to make it happen?

Turning the best of your career into your very own consulting or coaching business...

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How to Ditch Imposter Syndrome and Launch Your Dream Business with Dali Hammouch

Say Goodbye to Imposter Syndrome and Hello to Your Dream Business

Got big visions for turning your experience as a corporate leader into your own consulting or coaching business?

Chances are, you also have big fears!

In this must-listen episode, Dali Hammouch, a former Chief...

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Simple Strategies to Create a High-Converting Website with Marty Greif

Transforming browsers into buyers just got that much easier!

Way too many consultants and coaches mistakenly believe that their website is nothing more than an online brochure or resume.

I’m here to tell you – that’s far from the truth.

You can turn your website into a client...

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Decoding the Profit Puzzle

Have you ever felt you need to make more progress with your consulting or coaching business? Are you tired of hit-or-miss profits and feeling like you're never getting ahead?

Well, it's time to say enough already and go from surviving to thriving!

Today, we decode the profit puzzle and dive into...

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Why People Don’t “Get It” When You Talk and Write About What You Do

Have you ever been asked "what do you do?" at a networking event or just at a party, and despite your best attempt at a response, all you got was blank stares? Or have you spent a ton of time working on website copy, and the response was crickets?

Today we're talking about why people don't get it...

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How To Turn Your Strength Into A Sought-After Brand | Behind The Scenes Tutorial

How do you build a brand?

If you've been listening to my series on "owning your strengths," you want a high income and high-impact coaching or consulting business that leverages your strengths!

Strengths are the key to helping you activate your passion and purpose in the world. You're convinced...

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How To Write Blogs Your Clients Will Read [On-Air Coaching with Phil Fraser]

Do you know what keeps your ideal client up at night?

Most blog posts aren't helpful to your ideal customer. Not only do you have to know what's on your ideal client's mind, but you need to know what they need - hint - it is NOT the process you are trying to sell.

In this "On-The-Air...

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How to Find the Exact Words that Attract Your Clients (and Gets them Excited to Work with You)

One of my favorite things to write and talk about is copywriting.

Which for most of my clients - it's their absolute least favorite thing. 

Most of these consultants and coaches love what they do. But they hate the struggle of trying to find the words to describe what they do and write about...

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7 Reasons Why Your Clients Aren't "Getting It" When you Talk and Write About What You Do

One of the biggest challenges that both new and seasoned consultants and coaches face is finding the words to describe what they do.

They go to networking events and try to explain that they are a consultant or coach but instead of getting head nods and curiosity...

...they experience the angst...

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How to Write Engaging Website Copy [Behind-the-Scenes Tutorial]

Are you working on a website (or know you need to) but are stuck because you can't seem to find the words for your copy that describes what you do and the value that you create?

Don't worry - you are not alone! Lots of super-smart consultants and coaches (who are new to business ownership...

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Three Types of Online Courses Consultants and Coaches Use [Behind-the-Scenes Tutorial]

Are you thinking about creating an online course but aren't sure if they are profitable for consultants and coaches?

More than likely, my answer to you will be yes.

Courses are a fantastic way to expand your reach, sweeten the value that you offer your clients, reduce your labor intensity,...

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