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Proven Pricing Strategies That Boost Your Close Rates And Fees

relationship-based marketing & sales Oct 26, 2023

 Pricing. It’s the dreaded task of figuring out what to charge that overwhelms even the most seasoned consulting and coaching business owner.

What’s also confusing is how to PRESENT those fees in a way that is attractive to a clientwithout the “ick” of coming across as too salesy.

Can you relate?

 In today’s episode, I go into the psychology of 7 proven pricing strategies and why they work. I’m talking about the minor tweaks to how to showcase your fees on your sales pages and proposals that can will help you land more clients…

…while honoring your values around integrity and service.

 If you’re ready for some pricing quick wins – grab your notepad, roll up your sleeves, and let’s dive right in!

You’ll discover:

  • Why it’s not just what you charge that shapes your potential client’s thinking about the value of your offers
  • The connection between offering quality free stuff and charging premium fees
  • How to shift a sales conversion from IF we’re going to work together to HOW
  • Why scarcity is a powerful motivator to get clients to sign up and if it’s the right strategy for you

After you’re done listening and you decide you need more help with packaging, positioning, pitching, and pricing what you do as a consultant or coach, Book a FREE Strategic Clarity Coaching Session with me, and let’s create a custom plan to help you land more clients who will pay you what you’re worth, with ease, confidence, and integrity.

About me: I’m a Business Mentor and Brand Messaging Strategist that helps consulting and coaching business owners clarify their brand messaging and positioning, create a website presence that positions them as sought-after experts, land clients with ease and integrity, and take their place as thought leaders and influencers in their niche. My mission is to help consultants and coaches monetize their best-at strengths and authentic passions to make a bigger difference in the world.

Related Blog, Video or Podcast Episode:

The Anatomy of High-IMPACT Sales Pages & Proposals (Ep85)

7 Offer Mistakes Consultants and Coaches Make (Ep84)

Why People Don’t Get It When You Talk & Write about What you Do (Ep37)

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