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Nail Your Consulting or Coaching Niche with 5 Simple Strategies (and Get it Right the First Time)

brand messaging & positioning strengths & archetypes Jul 11, 2024

Are you feeling stuck in your business, struggling to attract the right clients, or just plain overwhelmed with how to define your niche?

Trust me, you’re not alone. I’ve been there, and so have all the clients I work with in my brand messaging programs…at first!

But here’s the good news: you can absolutely nail your consulting or coaching niche and get it right the first time.

In today’s episode of the Enough Already podcast, I’m breaking down the principles (along with 5 simple strategies) that will help you find your unique niche, attract the clients you adore, and set your business up for success. Let’s dive in!

1. Understand What a Niche Truly Is

First things first, let’s clear up a common misconception.

Your niche is NOT about picking from a list of services you can offer or the tools you use.

Your niche IS all about identifying a specific person with a problem you’re motivated to solve.

For example, if you’re a coach, your niche isn’t just that you’re certified in a particular methodology. It’s the specific type of person you help and the problem you solve for them.

Or if you’re a consultant, your niche isn’t organizations in general. It’s a specific person within an organization with a specific problem.

2. Overcome the Fear of Limiting Yourself

One of the biggest barriers to nailing your niche is the fear of leaving money on the table or limiting your potential. But here’s the truth: trying to serve everyone means you end up serving no one effectively. By focusing on a specific niche, you’ll not only attract more of the right clients but also position yourself as an expert in your field. This leads to greater credibility, higher fees, and a more fulfilling business.

3. Analyze Your Current Clients

One of my five simple strategies is to look at your existing clients and pinpoint commonalities. Who are the clients you’ve enjoyed working with the most? What problems did you solve for them? This can provide valuable insights into who your ideal clients are and what niche you’re already naturally fitting into. If you’re just starting out, reflect on the types of clients you’ve helped in your past career or in informal settings.

4. Pay Attention to Who’s Drawn to You

Another one of my five simple strategies is to simply pay attention to the people who reaches out to you for advice or assistance. What problems do they come to you with? Who are you naturally drawn to help? This can be a goldmine of information for defining your niche.

5. Complete Your Ideal Client Archetype

Once you have a clearer idea of your niche, it’s time to create your Ideal Client Archetype. This is a detailed profile of your perfect client, including demographics, psychographics, and the specific problems they face. Use this archetype to guide your marketing efforts, from your website copy to your social media posts. When you speak directly to your ideal client’s needs and desires, you’ll attract them more easily and effectively.


If you're ready to dive deeper into these strategies, make sure to listen to the full episode of the Enough Already podcast. In this episode, I go into even more detail and share personal stories to help you get clear on your niche and start attracting the clients you truly want to work with.

To help you on this journey, I’ve created a free Value Proposition Template. Download it now to start defining your niche and crafting your message →


If you get stuck or need more personalized guidance, check out my unique and personalized brand building programs, just for consultants and coaches. I’ll guide you through the steps to a strong, unique brand that attracts your ideal clients.

Or, if you're ready to take the next step, book a free brand strategy call with me. We'll discuss your goals and challenges, and I'll provide you with actionable insights to help you move forward with confidence/


You don’t choose your ideal niche. You uncover it. What you want to do is meant for you. It’s up to you to unearth it so that you can create the business and life you want. And attract clients who don’t just need any consultant or coach – they need you!

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