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How to Get and Use Powerful Client Testimonials

relationship-based marketing & sales Jul 25, 2024

Have you ever felt like your client testimonials just aren’t capturing the true value of what you do?

If so, you’re not alone. Many of us struggle with testimonials. One big reason is that asking for testimonials can feel super-awkward as if you’re bothering your clients or sounding desperate for approval. Another reason is that we simply don’t know how to go about getting testimonials that actually highlight the real, tangible benefits of our consulting or coaching.

Tune into my latest Enough Already podcast to discover how to get powerful testimonials that showcase the true value of what you do and convince your next clients to work with you!

Why Testimonials Matter

One word: credibility!

Testimonials are evidence that shows that you’re not someone who just makes big promises. You deliver on them.

They inspire your clients to see what is possible for their business, career, and/or life that they might not yet see for themselves.

The Anatomy of a Benefit-Driven Testimonial or Case Study

So, what makes a testimonial truly powerful? It’s all about the structure.

Here’s an example of a recommendation: "Betsy was great to work with."

Here’s an example of a benefit-driven testimonial: "Before working with Betsy, I was overwhelmed and directionless in my business. She helped me develop a clear strategy and within three months, I increased my client base by 30%. Now, I feel confident and excited about the future."

Notice the difference?

A benefit-driven testimonial follows the three-act arc of any story and highlights:

  1. The client's initial challenge or problem.
  2. The specific benefits and results they achieved by working with you.
  3. Tangible outcomes that showcase the transformation.

Here’s a simple structure to follow:

  • Situation: What was the client struggling with before they came to you?
  • Solution: How did you help them solve their problem?
  • Results: What specific, measurable outcomes did they achieve?

Asking for Testimonials - The Right Way

The best way to get testimonials isn’t to ask for them. If you do, you’re likely to get a vague recommendation.

Instead, you create a survey or conduct an interview with your clients with specific questions that elicit detailed, benefit-focused responses.

Here are some questions you can ask.

  1. What was your absolute biggest challenge before you signed up to work with me?
  2. How did that problem/challenge make you feel?
  3. What other solutions did you try to fix this problem or overcome this challenge? What frustrations did you experience with those other solutions?
  4. What changed after our work together? What specific results have you been able to create as a direct result of working with me?
  5. How did YOU change as a result of working with me?
  6. What would you say to someone who is on the fence about signing up for my services/working with me?
  7. Is there anything else you want me to know about my services and your experience working with me and I just didn’t ask you the right question?
  8. Can I share your experience with my future clients in my marketing materials?

These questions help your clients reflect on their journey and articulate the specific benefits and results they experienced.

Once you have these detailed responses, then you edit them into compelling testimonials.

Using Testimonials Strategically

Finally, knowing how to use these testimonials is just as important as getting them. Here are a few strategic places to showcase your client success stories:

  • Website: Dedicate a testimonials page and sprinkle them throughout other relevant pages.
  • Social Media: Share snippets and link back to your full success stories.
  • Proposals: Include powerful testimonials in your proposals to add credibility.
  • Emails: Use testimonials in your email marketing to build trust with your subscribers.


  1. Tune into the entire episode for more practical guidance.
  2. For examples of how to create benefit-driven testimonials, check out my testimonial page.
  3. For examples of how to create compelling case studies, check out my success stories page.


  • If you get stuck or need more personalized guidance, check out my unique and personalized [brand-building programs], just for consultants and coaches. I’ll guide you through the steps to a strong, unique brand that attracts your ideal clients.
  • Or, if you're ready to take the next step, book a [free brand strategy call] with me. We'll discuss your goals and challenges, and I'll provide you with actionable insights to help you move forward with confidence.


Your success stories deserve to be heard. By turning client feedback into compelling testimonials, you not only build trust but also pave the way for future success.

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